Family Nutrition


Family Nutrition

Each member of a particular family has different nutritional and therapeutic requirements. One member is eager to lose weight while another needs a weight gain. Somebody in the family needs a therapeutic diet while another needs a glowing skin and hairs, so everybody has a different requirement. Taking same diet is actually unscientific and Shipra’s Nutrimagik understands this fact, therefore we have planned a variety of family plans which are customized according to a particular family’s requirements.

Having to stick to a diet is difficult, even when one is alone. But when you are in a family circle, then it is even harder. No matter if you are just trying to lose weight, or you need a diet due to a medical condition but having to consider a diet while planning family meals can be really challenging. It is always good to prepare one meal for the whole family. But having a family member or members who are on a diet certainly makes the meal preparation even more challenging.

So it is a good idea to try to incorporate your diet into your family life. This is why our Shipra’s Nutrimagik offer family diet plans.

In this plan we try to consider every member of your family, being it a baby, teenager, adult or a senior. We will sit with all the family members and help you to come with healthy diet plan that suits the whole family.

With our family diet plan you will get a lot of advantages such as: you will be eating healthy as the whole family; it will be easier for you to stick to your diet plan as you will get encouragement from every member of your family; and many more.

Even though the task of planning healthy diet suitable for the whole family is very challenging, our skilled dietitians will help you get the best diet plan and keep the whole family healthy.

Your Family Nutrition Plan offers

  • Customized Nutrition Plans for all family members.
  • Natural diets with no supplementation.
  • Diet plans will be based upon everyone’ BMR.
  • Your program is inclusive of travel schedules if any.
  • A guide on Nutrition facts and Restaurant eating options.
  • Personalized Recipes as prescribed for you.
  • Weekly follow up by our team and personal consultation twice a month with shipra moondra.
  • Our dietician is available on phone / Whats App from 9 am -6 pm IST, Late hours on request or only for international clients.